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Competition Cheer Participates in Caleb’s Project

Cheryl Bland - Competition Cheer Coach
Caleb’s Project was started by Paul and Kim Zellner.  Kim is the Lower School Librarian and a former 3rd grade teacher at Calvary Day School.

Here is their story:
In June of 2009, we were excited to hear that God would be blessing us, along with our two daughters, with a baby boy. Complications arose at the end of the July, and God called Caleb back to heaven on July 28, 2009. I delivered Caleb that morning, and although he never took a breath this side of heaven, he has forever changed our lives.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 139:16, "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."  We know that God had a purpose for Caleb's life.

When discussing what we could do in his memory, my mom suggested a service project each year entitled Caleb's Project. These projects have benefitted many organizations.  We’ve donated blankets to the Red Cross, created a family room at our local Ronald McDonald House, and partnered with African Library Project to create libraries for two schools in Kenya. We enjoyed helping to support The Living Vine, encouraged acts of kindness all over the world, and sent toys with a nursing group on a missionary tour.  Most of all, these projects have served as therapy for my grieving heart. Time passes, but we still miss Caleb and the hope of all the things he would have been to our family. “Although we grieve, we do not grieve as those who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13)We want to thank all of those who have supported us through the years.

Thank you Paul and Kim, for allowing us to be a part of this life-impacting project.