News Detail

National Honor Society Student Leaders

Laura Bielec
Those four pillars are scholarship, character, service, and leadership. This year, we have an all-female leadership team. Each leader not only holds a specific role during meetings, but also leads a committee that provides service and guides their fellow members in leadership within and outside of NHS. One way in which I have seen our students step out of the mold is by how they are leading in word and deed. They speak about the importance of service and how we do not do it to be seen, but to use our talents and gifts for others and most importantly for God. We complete hours of service not to fill out a form but to bring glory to God, who sees and knows all that we do. They encourage their fellow members to act with good character and stand up and away from peers who are not making decisions that exemplify good character.

Most of our student leaders are involved in Bible studies and in youth groups. They´re allowing others to pour into them through mentorship and learning opportunities, knowing the value of these extra hours amidst their busy schedules. Academics are extremely important; however, we truly believe in the importance of developing the whole student and equipping each of them to fulfill God’s plan for their lives. It has been an honor to watch this group of NHS student leaders blossom and grow into women of faith who are leading unashamedly.