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Harrison Clark Class of 2017

Harrison Clark
On the thirty-two acres between Waters Avenue and Paulsen Street, I have spent the bulk of my life hitting in the cages, cutting up in the parking lot, playing every sport imaginable in the gyms, and worshiping on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.  Through it all, I know this is a place that helped shape who I am today. As member of Calvary Baptist Temple and student at Calvary Day School, I literally spend Sunday through Friday on this campus every week. Heck, during baseball season in the spring, I spend almost every Saturday sweating in the South Georgia heat in a Calvary uniform. You could say Calvary occupied a great deal of my life, and I am better for it.

Calvary is special. The faith, academics, athletics, and people have made Calvary a place that I love going to every day.

Faith has always been important. Calvary has encouraged me to explore my faith, and I had many living examples of what true faith is. Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Cannady, Mrs. Easterlin, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Zellner, Mrs. Baiad, Mrs. Griffin, Coach Griffin, Coach Poole, Coach Shell, Mrs. Taylor, Coach Carswell, Mr. Evans, Mr. Finnegan, Mrs. Moore, Dr. Taylor, Coach Hunter, Coach Martin, Mrs. Metz, Mrs. Tenney, Mrs. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, Mr. McGee, Mrs. Nelson, Coach Locke, Coach Carr, Mr. Daiss, Coach Hamilton, Mrs. Herndon, Mrs. Dillard, Mrs. Tigert, and Mrs. Norris all showed me what it means to live out a Christian lifestyle on a daily basis. I’ve witnessed what a Christian marriage looks like with my parents and on campus. Between the Taylor’s, Martin’s, Brewer’s, Hunter’s, Griffin’s, Carr’s, Poole’s, Evans’ and Lee’s, I witnessed first hand wives submitting to husbands and husbands loving wives as Christ loved the church. No, they have not all been perfect, but who is?

Throughout my time at Calvary, I can truly say that the teachers here have had my best interest in mind, even outside of the school. They have poured into my life and built a personal relationship with me. At the same time, they have shared their faith and given me another living example of how to walk in the way. This makes Calvary unique because teachers want to help every student grow.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to wear the purple and gold as a member of the Calvary Baseball team since my freshman year. The past four seasons hold memories I will cherish until the good Lord calls me home. I see myself telling future generations about how Calvary beat our in-town rival with a walk off double to advance to the final four in 2016. The friendships built between the chalk lines at Bethesda Field and Grayson Stadium will only grow stronger as my life moves forward. This brotherhood is hard to put into words, so I’ll just say it’s has been an honor. And to Coach Lee, you are the man!

These are the times and the people I will never forget. For 99% of my time at Calvary Day School, I was genuinely happy to be here. Yes, my parents will attest to some trials I experienced, but I am so thankful for the time I spent at Calvary. To my parents and family, I know paying fourteen years of tuition was a burden, but I will be eternally grateful for the sacrifice you made. It was an investment well spent, thank you!

The relationships, mentors, laughs, and memories made at CalvaryI will carry with me forever. To the faculty, administrators, friends, Sunday school teachers, and pastors, thank you. Thank you for making these fourteen years ones I will cherish forever. To the Cavalier class of 2017, let’s go change the world! I love you all! See you at homecoming 2017. Go Cavs baby and onto the next chapter!

  • Harrison Clark ℅ ‘17 (Christian, Cavalier, student, athlete, back-to-back class games champion)