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Senior Internship Week - A Real Career Eye Opener for Calvary Seniors

Stacey Mell
I worked with the Forensics Unit, Homicide Unit, and the Dive Team. I learned about how illegal guns are fingerprinted and processed while also seeing pictures of what happens when guns end up in the wrong hands. My experience during minimester has helped me figure out exactly what job I want to pursue and how I can achieve my goal. I have made relationships with the officers and civilians within the units I worked with, and I hope that they will remember me in the future when I am looking for a job. Marissa Meyers

My minimester was extremely meaningful because working at Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church, I was able to experience the joy of accepting people from all walks of life whether they be poor, rich, gay, straight, white, black, or anywhere in between. I learned more about how God wants everyone to come to Him, not just those who society deems as acceptable.  Abigail Jenkins

I interned with a real estate agency and had an amazing time! I did everything, from participating in house closings to listing properties on markets. I was able to shadow the CEO of the agency and got a real first-hand experience of how real estate works. I am so glad that I had this opportunity! Miguel Carman

I shadowed an anesthesiologist for my minimester and it was so much fun. This experience opened up so many opportunities for me and definitely reassured my goal to work in the medical field in the future. I was able to watch surgeries, talk to doctors and nurses, and catch a glimpse of what the hospital environment looks like. Addison Scarbrough

I worked with kindergarten students at Calvary Day School. This week was very meaningful to me because it showed me that I enjoy working with younger children. Jami Sanders

I followed different anesthesiologists at Candler and St. Joseph's. Each day I would follow them in the operating room and would watch different surgeries. I really enjoyed doing this because I learned how stressful the atmosphere of a surgery is and how the doctors handle it. I was very interested in seeing surgery, but I did not know if I would actually enjoy it. By participating in this week of minimester, I became more interested in the field of medicine.  Davis Gaylord

Stacey Mell is a 1982 graduate of Calvary Day School and is the Director of Guidance. Mrs. Mell holds a Bachelor of Arts. in psychology with a minor in computer programming from Armstrong Atlantic State University and an M.Ed. in counseling as well as an Ed.S. in counseling from Georgia Southern University. She finds inspiration from Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace you are saved through faith – think not of yourselves, it is a gift of God.”