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Building Togetherness

Mikki Thomas
On the other hand, those who are introverts may finally feel a sense of relief that they don’t have to socially engage with people. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of extrovert to introvert, I believe strongly that God created us to be social beings. Therefore, we are in need of connection with one another and with Him.
Staying connected these days when we can’t physically be together takes creativity and intentionality. I have three children, and all of them miss connecting with their friends. They miss interacting face to face. However, I encourage my own family to keep up these interactions either by texting, calling, FaceTime, video chats, etc. Also, don’t forget writing letters is a wonderful way to stay connected with one another. You may have to help your students learn to address envelopes, but that can be a good thing. These are all ways to allow us to be social during this time of protecting ourselves from Covid-19. Try being intentional about creating times in the day to socialize with one another.

Soul connection with our Creator is also vital to our sense of togetherness. God created us from the beginning to have connection with Him. He desires us to know Him more each day. When we spend time with God, we get to know who we are and who He is creating us to become. In this alone-togetherness time, spend time with Him. Pray, read a devotional book, read the Bible, talk to friends about what you are learning spiritually, take walks and enjoy His creation. These are all ways to have a soul connection with the One who created us. 

Remember, this will pass and we will soon see each other again in person. Students, you will be able to hangout with your friends, play sports, go to the movies and beaches soon. In the meantime, let’s make the most of our time connecting with each other in new and creative ways.