Event Detail

4th Grade Patriotic Program

A - Performing Arts Center - PAC
This program is to honor not only those who lost their lives in the 9/11 tragedy, but also to honor those who came together under a spirit of unity to help and serve. Please join our 4th grade classes in celebrating the men and women who gave their lives that day and to those that continue to protect our nation each and every day.
Dear Parents of Fourth Grade,

September 11, 2017 marked the 16th anniversary of the twin tower tragedy.  To honor the heroes from that day the fourth grade will present a patriotic program, “A Star-Spangled Production”, on the morning of September 22nd at 9:00am in the Choir Room, building A.  We would love for you to attend!

We have been discussing the founding of our country, our constitution, the flag, as well as the events leading up to September 11, 2001.  We’re ending our program with how a nation can have God’s blessing by following His Word.  In this day and age we are more and more aware of how much America needs God!  And of course, we have lots of good patriotic music we’ve been learning.

Students are to wear jeans and either a solid red, white, or blue (navy) shirt.  They may come dressed that way for school and stay in that outfit for the remainder of the day. Most of them have lines they should be memorizing and all have songs they should be learning as well.  

We will be in full production mode next week.  Mr. Bielec told the students to practice their lines at least 7 times with someone to make sure they are completely memorized.  We really appreciate your help with that! Let us know if you have any questions.

God Bless America!

Ronda Evens and Bryce Bielec